Monday, September 14, 2009

Wednesday, September 9, 2009

Birds of a Feather

Whitney Cuningham of ANTM Cycle 8

Monica Sebring

Photographed by Phedmos Prophet

Make Up, Hair, Styling by Derek Medina

Lead Make Up Artist Derek Medina for Designer Lemington Ridley Fashion Show

Meri of Finland my muse and dear friend

Photographed by Ralph Azulay
Make Up & Hair by Derek Medina

For Designer Lemington Ridley's Look Book
Photographed By Ugene Gallagos
Make Up by Derek Medina

Photographed by Ralph Azulay
Make Up & Hair by Derek Medina

Mannequin Shoot for

Photographed by Phedmods Prophet

Make Up & Hair by Derek Medina

Styling by Priscilla Monteiro (Editor and chief of the fashion reporter)

Derek Medina Make Up Artist

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